SeaMonkey Mail JCCCV

edited November 2014 in JoCo Cruise
So the stars aligned and had pity on me, so I'm going on the cruise this year when I thought I wouldn't!  Yay! 

I'm going to run SeaMonkey Mail for this year too (unless someone else wants to do it, I've no objections to sharing fun!)  (explanation for what SeaMonkey Mail is, CP below:)

SeaMonkey Mail

The concept is simple - a gift exchange between SeaMonkeys of small value (can be hand made, can be anything really, but it isn’t meant to be expensive.) Fun ideas usually surround things that are native to your hometown, or would be useful on the cruise.  

The process will be that you sign up - we will see how many people want to do it.  if there are a lot, we might break into smaller groups to keep it from getting expensive.

Each participant makes a Mailbox to hang outside their stateroom.  It can be elaborate or simple.  I’ve seen plastic bags used before (though “frowned upon” because they aren’t fun!) If you want to get an idea of how to make one, or what they can look like, google “fish extenders”.  This is a common practice on Disney Cruises  :D Last year I actually forgot to make mine for JoCo until right before, so I used moustache duct tape to cover some plastic bags to decorate them and make them look like not just plain baggies.  

You can also google “Fish Extender ideas” if you don’t know what to make/buy!  Things I’ve received were Embroidered bags (obviously some people spend more/have access to things that not everyone does!) little handmade pouches for things onboard.  Lanyards for your cruise pass.  Pencils and a little notebook for writing down names/room numbers.  Highlighters for highlighting the events you want to do.  Burned CDs of “cruise relaxation music”.  Magnets to go on the door.  stickers.  Little paintings.  There are tons of ideas out there.  (they’re disney-themed, but I trust our monkeys can figure out how to make them JoCo themed  :D) Things I’ve made for this sorta thing: little felted jellyfish based on the design from the homepage that people can hang on their lanyard, little cloth bags of talc for removing sand from feet/shoes/etc.  I spent maybe 5 bucks on fabric, then 2 dollars on talc, and made it by hand.  It’s not about the monetary value, it’s just about the fun of the exchange.  You can either sign your gift to tell them who it is from or leave it anonymous.  No pressure  :D

So, depending on our numbers, you’ll either have a trinket for everyone, or everyone in your group.  If you really want to make extras for people, you can, but they won’t be “exchanging” with you, it’s just for funsies.  The first night of the cruise, you hang your mailbox out.  After that, each person decides when to deliver.  You can do it on any day of the cruise you want.  Just drop their surprise in their mailbox and smile!  You will get little presents throughout the cruise!  

To sign up, please click here:

If you have questions, email [email protected]  


A picture of the front of the fish extender (mailbox) I made for my last disney cruise.  My daughter and I each had a pocket and we traded all sorts of fun things! I printed chibis onto iron-on paper and then painted the paper!  Super easy.  Some people have made them from duct tape too!


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