I met Andy Bates!

edited October 2009 in Everything Else
And it was in a totally non-JoCo context.

His kids go to the same school as mine, and I spotted him at our Fall Festival this past Saturday.

How weird is that?

Funny exchange as I remember it:
Me: Hey, are you Andy Bates?

AB [a little surprised]: Yes...

Me: Cool -- I know you from the Internet. Well, the Jonathan Coulton DVD actually.

AB, pleased, turns to his wife and daughter: Hey! He knows me from the DVD!

AB's wife and daughter stare blankly.

AB: The Jonathan Coulton DVD!

Wife and daughter go back to whatever they were talking about.

[Small talk between AB and me about who I am, what grade/class my son is in, etc etc.]

[AB's son comes up to him.]

AB to son: Hey -- he knows me from the DVD!

Again with not so much recognition/concern from AB's son.
Summary: It's hard out here for an Andy Bates.

We didn't get to talk much, as I had abandoned chasing my 5-year old son once I saw Andy Bates, and had to resume the chase.


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